In January it was very cold for a couple of weeks here in Nauvoo. In fact, most of the Mississippi River was iced over. So, as you would imagine, there are no boats or ships that go on this river when there is this much ice. Over the past few weeks the ice has relocated to the shores of the river. This happens when the ice breaks up due to the wind causing waves to form. The waves push the ice blocks to the sides of the river. Below are two pictures of this ice pushed over to the east side of the Mississippi River (next to the road we take to Keokuk) .
We had a wonderful FHE activity this evening in the Cultural Hall in Historic Nauvoo (on main Street). This was a Valentine's Day Party. This was for all of the Temple Missionaries, the Temple Presidency and their spouses. We then square danced in the 3rd floor ballroom in the Cultural Hall., which is where five Prophets have danced with their wives. It has been a long time since most of us have done this, and it was fun. The brothers sang the "Tell Me Why the Stars Do Shine" song to our spouses. Below are some pictures from this event (and an outside and inside look) of the Cultural Hall).
We love serving in the Nauvoo temple. Every day we see miracle happen in the temple. For example, on Saturday we were serving in the Baptistry and had a large group come in from a local Church Branch. We didn't have enough ordinance workers assigned to our area to serve them, unless we asked for help from another area. However, we didn't need to ask for help because a couple from this branch's stake came in to help, and a temple missionary couple who serve in this branch (on Sundays) came in to help in any way possible. They had already served in the temple in the morning but came back in the afternoon to be with these branch members and help in any way possible. They also were needed and very helpful in serving the branch members.
This is just one example of how we see the Lord involved in the work of the temple. He is interested in in the details of what we do - especially in the temples. As we came out of the temple that evening (Saturday) we saw the full moon behind the beautiful Nauvoo temple. What a wonderful day (and evening) this was in the temple!