Tuesday, October 8, 2019

General Conference - October 2019

I don't think we can say anything else in this week's post that would top the General Conference that occurred over this past weekend.  It was wonderful!  We felt like so many of the messages were directed to us.  And the changes/adjustments - they are so inspired.

We look forward to reading, viewing or listening to the talks over and over again during the next six months.  Every time we read, view or listen to these talks we get more insights and direction from them.  The speakers are assigned topics for their talks but seek inspiration as to the topic and what to say about it.  

There were several themes in the talks given.  Some of the talks were about covenant keeping, finding joy in this life, keeping the commandments, following the Savior, trust in the Lord, overcoming the temptations from the adversary, and many other important topics.  

All of the temple presidency and temple missionaries attended a pot luck dinner on Sunday,  right after the afternoon session.  It was great being with all of these wonderful people who we have grown to love and appreciate.  We shared our insights from conference after the dinner.  

We have two daughters of President Nelson who are here with us - one is Gloria Irion (Temple Matron) and the other is Sylvia Webster (a temple missionary).  They shared some insights about their father.  They expressed appreciation for the prayers of the members of the Church for their father.  Brother Webster said their father is the same at home as we see him in public.  He has known President Nelson since 1962 and said he has always been kind to everyone, including himself.  He is considerate - especially to women and children, but is kind and loving to everyone. 

You can find all of the talks at:

Announcements and Summaries of talks, from General Conference:

A list of the changes/adjustments can be found at

One powerful quote from each talk:

President Nelson on how the next General Conference will be unforgettable plus four ways he asked us to prepare for:

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