Monday, February 24, 2020

Marilyn's Birthday, Geese and Deer, FHE Group Activity, Temple

We celebrated Marilyn's birthday today by going to a restaurant in Keokuk (the Hawkeye Restuarant) with the Elder and Sister Wyndham (from the Seattle area).  Sister Wyndham's birthday is also on February 24th (but not the same birth year).  We had a pleasant time with them.  Marilyn also wanted to say thank you to all who sent her cards, gifts, messages, etc. 

There are a lot of Canadian geese who seem to love being here in the Nauvoo area.  Lately, they have spent a lot of time in an area about two blocks south of where we live.  They were there for several days this past week.  I heard they really like eating grass and now, with the snow mostly melted off of the snow, they like being on the lawns around here.  Actually, there are many birds in this area - including eagles, swans and other birds.  We see many of them along (or on) the Mississippi River as we travel to Keokuk.  Below are some pictures of some geese.

Tonight we had another FHE Group Activity with all of the Temple Missionaries and the Temple Presidency.  The topic was Adam-ondi-ahman, which is located in northwestern Missouri (  The missionaries (serving at the Church's Nauvoo Historic Sites) gave an excellent presentation on Adam-ondi-ahmani, including what  happened in the past , what is happening now and specific prophesies about what will happen there in the future.  These missionaries served as missionaries in Adam-ondi-ahman.  We also sang "How Great Thou Art" (with some different words focusing on Adam-ondi-ahman) with Elder and Sister Teeples.  It was wonderful experience singing this touching song with them.  The temple matron (Sister Andersen) accompanied us.

Our temple service continues to be a great blessing for us.  For example, last Saturday we were guides for a couple who were married (sealed) in the Nauvoo temple.  There were about 45 friends and family members who came to support them.  It was a touching setting to see these great people (who live in various parts of the country) come to their sealing.  The couple was thrilled being in the temple and very appreciative of everyone serving in the temple -- and especially thankful for family and friends who were there with them.  
View of the temple from the Pageant stage area.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Cold weather, Valentine's Dinner, Temple Service, John Deere Factory Tours

This past Thursday it got very cold here in Nauvoo. It got down to -3 F with a wind chill factor or -22 F.  The wind tends to be strong on the west side of the temple (where we enter and exit the temple).  This is because the temple sits on top of the hill and the wind comes from the river (west) side.  This is a photo Marilyn took on Thursday morning on her iPad.

On Thursday night we went to dinner in Burlington to celebrate Valentine's day.  We had a very pleasant dinner.  We went out on Thursday because we serve in the temple on Friday evening.  We didn't take pictures of us in the restaurant.  We had a very enjoyable time at the restaurant.

We serve in the Nauvoo temple on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (8 am - 2 pm), and Wednesday and Friday afternoons (2 pm - 8 pm) and Saturdays (12 - 7 pm).  This is our winter schedule.  There has been only one day this winter when the temple was closed due to bad weather conditions.  This was because the sidewalks and streets were very icy and slippery.

We love serving in the temple.  Each day we feel the Lord's help as we participate in these sacred ordinances.  We, as ordinance workers, strive to serve the patrons in a manner pleasing to the Lord.  This has been a wonderful blessing for us to be able to be here at this time, serving in the temple.

Today we had the wonderful opportunity of being with another temple missionary couple - Elder Bruce and Sister Jean Hammond, who are also from South Jordan.  They came here the same time we did.   We visited two of the John Deere sites.   We first visited the John Deere Harvester factory in East Moline.  This was very interesting to see how they assembled the large combines (harvesters) - including how they painted them. These are very nice machines.  We would show you pictures of this assembly process but we were not allowed to take any pictures inside the factory.  We then visited the John Deere International Headquarters in Moline.  Here are some pictures (mostly from the display floor at the John Deere Headquarters) from our visits to these two places (and a picture of us at the Olive Garden before we toured the sites).


Monday, February 10, 2020

Mississippi - ice, FHE activity in Cultural Hall, Temple Service

In January it was very cold for a couple of weeks here in Nauvoo.  In fact, most of the Mississippi River was iced over.  So, as you would imagine, there are no boats or ships that go on this river when there is this much ice.  Over the past few weeks the ice has relocated to the shores of the river.  This happens when the ice breaks up due to the wind causing waves to form.  The waves push the ice blocks to the sides of the river.  Below are two pictures of this ice pushed over to the east side of the Mississippi River (next to the road we take to Keokuk) .

We had a wonderful FHE activity this evening in the Cultural Hall in Historic Nauvoo (on main Street).  This was a Valentine's Day Party.  This was for all of the Temple Missionaries, the Temple Presidency and their spouses.   We then square danced in the 3rd floor ballroom in the Cultural Hall., which is where five Prophets have danced with their wives.  It has been a long time since most of us have done this, and it was fun.  The brothers sang the "Tell Me Why the Stars Do Shine" song to our spouses.  Below are some pictures from this event (and an outside and inside look) of the Cultural Hall).

We love serving in the Nauvoo temple.  Every day we see miracle happen in the temple.  For example, on Saturday we were serving in the Baptistry and had a large group come in from a local Church Branch.  We didn't have enough ordinance workers assigned to our area to serve them, unless we asked for help from another area.  However, we didn't need to ask for help because a couple from this branch's stake came in to help, and a temple missionary couple who serve in this branch (on Sundays) came in to help in any way possible.  They had already served in the temple in the morning but came back in the afternoon to be with these branch members and help in any way possible.  They also were needed and very helpful in serving the branch members.  

This is just one example of how we see the Lord involved in the work of the temple.  He is interested in in the details of what we do - especially in the temples.  As we came out of the temple that evening (Saturday) we saw the full moon behind the beautiful Nauvoo temple.  What a wonderful day (and evening) this was in the temple!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Temple Work, Nauvoo Exodus Reenactment

What a wonderful blessing it is to serve in this beautiful Nauvoo temple!  We see the Lord's hand in this great work every day.  The patrons who come in are filled with faith and devotion.  Many come to the temple every day to participate in these sacred ordinances.  They bring a special spirit with them.  The ordinance workers also bring a special spirit of dedication with them.  On some shifts we have fewer ordinance workers than on others.  But it seems like we always have enough workers to perform this sacred work.  The Lord is certainly very involved with this work. 

On Saturday, February 1st, there was a Nauvoo Exodus Reenactment.  In the morning there was a short program at the Family Living Center, we then walked along Main Street, then onto Parley's Street where we walked to the Mississippi River where there was a short program, speaking about the pioneers.  It was a wonderful experience to be able to walk along the path our pioneers trod.  Sister Owens and I took some of the names (on name badges) of our ancestors who left Nauvoo in 1846.  This was a sacred experience for us.  Below are some pictures from this activity.