Monday, February 3, 2020

Temple Work, Nauvoo Exodus Reenactment

What a wonderful blessing it is to serve in this beautiful Nauvoo temple!  We see the Lord's hand in this great work every day.  The patrons who come in are filled with faith and devotion.  Many come to the temple every day to participate in these sacred ordinances.  They bring a special spirit with them.  The ordinance workers also bring a special spirit of dedication with them.  On some shifts we have fewer ordinance workers than on others.  But it seems like we always have enough workers to perform this sacred work.  The Lord is certainly very involved with this work. 

On Saturday, February 1st, there was a Nauvoo Exodus Reenactment.  In the morning there was a short program at the Family Living Center, we then walked along Main Street, then onto Parley's Street where we walked to the Mississippi River where there was a short program, speaking about the pioneers.  It was a wonderful experience to be able to walk along the path our pioneers trod.  Sister Owens and I took some of the names (on name badges) of our ancestors who left Nauvoo in 1846.  This was a sacred experience for us.  Below are some pictures from this activity.

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