We had a wonderful dinner with two other temple missionary couples - Elder and Sister Hammond (who arrived with us last April, and are also from South Jordan), and Elder and Sister Lamb (who just arrived and are from the Phoenix area). We had a very pleasant conversation with them. It is a great blessing to be able to get to know these fine people. Unfortunately, we didn't think to take a picture of all of us when they were with us on Sunday evening.
Nauvoo Temple Closure and our Plans - Of course, the biggest question that others ask of us right now is: now that the temple is closed except for living ordinances, will this effect the date that you will be going home? Our last day at the temple was scheduled for April 3rd and so we were planning on coming home shortly after that.
The Temple President (President Eric Andersen) asked all of us what we would like to do. We said we would be glad to finish our mission here as planned. We are both in pretty good health and want to help as long as we can. Some of the temple missionaries will be going home before April 3rd (for health reasons). The rest of us will continue to serve the patrons as they come in for living ordinances (own endowment or sealing). Our plan is leave here on Monday, April 6th, arriving home on Wednesday afternoon, April 8th.

You both are so kind and diligent to stay and help as long as you can. I'm glad you are in good health! Praying for safe travels next week!