Sunday, June 30, 2019

Kalona Again

We went to Kalona again this past week. It is a community which has a lot of Amish people. We ate at one of their homes. It was a delicious meal.

 We learned that all Amish are Mennonite religion but not all Mennonites are Amish. They are known, as well as for many other things, for their fabulous handmade quilts. The sidewalks have quilt block patterns in-bedded every so often. 

We also saw a creative wood work store. They didn't allow pictures but we bought a small sample of how they combine woods to make beautiful items like, cutting blocks, lazy susans, napkin holders, and many other items. They also had amazing dining room sets with chairs made to fit your body so well. If money was no object...

We had dinner, visited the creamery, a quilt shop, a candy  shop, a bakery. This time it wasn't raining so it was more enjoyable. We rode with Brother and Sister Baugh from California. It's always interesting to get to know the different couples here. Also there were Brother and Sister Livingston. They are from Texas. He had a heart attack on their way here and had triple by-pass surgery in May. They live in our building. The Kauers also live in our building. They are from Idaho Falls. The Welch's are from Providence, Cache Valley, Utah. They are serving here with their daughter, Tiffany. 

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