Friday, June 14, 2019

Nick & ShayLa's Wedding Activities

Last week we went home to South Jordan to participate in Nick and ShayLa's wedding.

On Saturday morning Nick and ShayLa were married in the Oquirrh Mountain temple.  It was a very nice ceremony.  We were so happy to have all of our children supporting Nick.  It meant so much to us.

That day we also had a wedding luncheon and a wedding reception for Nick and ShayLa.  There were many people who helped with each of these activities.  It was wonderful to see old friends, extended family and neighbors who attended the wedding reception. 
The reception was beautifully decorated.  Nick and ShayLa are so happy.  We are thrilled that they found each other and are now married.

We also spent some time together with our family both before and after Saturday's wedding activities.  It was wonderful being with our family.  Below are some pictures that were taken at some of the wedding activities.

Nick and ShayLa after the wedding in the Oquirrh Mountain temple.

The happy couple at the wedding reception.  They danced up a storm.

Almost all of our grandchildren - plus one from another family

Nick and ShayLa after the wedding reception.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys came! It was a fun weekend for sure. :)
