Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friends, Temple and Pageants

There are more people here in Nauvoo during the summer and especially during the Pageants in July, than at any other time of the year.  It has been wonderful to see so many people at the temple, at the historic sites and at the various shows.  The time has flown by this month for us, primarily because we are kept very busy in the temple.  It has been wonderful serving so many people.  

This past week Bruce and Marsha Haynes were in Nauvoo.  They were on a Church Historic Site Tour and let us know they were in town.  We were able to participate in a sealing session with them and also visit with them afterwards.  It was wonderful to see them!

Below is a photo with Brady Leavitt taken on June 27th.   He was with a group of youth from Louisville, Kentucky.  it was great to see him.

And guess who we saw at this evening's show "Our Story Goes On"?  Emily Densley (Riley's wife).  She plays snare drum with the Bagpipes.  She sat right behind us at the show.  It was great to see her!  She will be here all week.  We hope we see her at some of their performances.

Below is a photo of some of the senior missionaries during one of the Sunset by the Mississippi shows we saw last week.  If you notice the couple in the center (dressed in green) you will see Elder and Sister Schmidt (Allan and Colleen) from the River Ridge 4th ward who are serving as FM (Facilities Management) missionaries in Nauvoo.  They perform 2-3 times per week at the Sunset by the Mississippi show.  It was great to see them in this show.

The pageants continue to astound us.  We have been able to go to each pageant (British and Nauvoo) a couple of times so far and have thoroughly enjoyed them.  The messages, music, actors, stage, etc. are wonderful.  Below are some photos from the Pageants, starting with what the pageant stage looks like during the day while some of the performers are rehearsing.

The tent in the background is where I (along with 4 others) do our translation in Spanish during the shows.  I have done this for 3 of the British Pageant Shows.

And the sunsets continue to amaze us.

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