Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sarah, Nathan and their children in Nauvoo

This past week (Tuesday - Friday) Sarah, Nathan, Micah, Oliver and Ivy visited Nauvoo.  We had a wonderful time with them.  We did many things including lunch and dinner each day, visited many of the Church Historic sites, saw two shows (Sunset by the Mississippi and Nauvoo Pageant), went to the Country Fair (where there were many pioneer games and activities, this occurred before each Pageant show), visited the Family Living Center (where they demonstrated pioneer era crafts), and we went to the temple together.  Below are some photos from their visit here.

In the apartment

Dinner in the Apartment

Nathan pulling Sarah and their children in a Handcart

Playing a game at Pioneer Pasttimes

Pioneer Pasttimes Craft - with Sarah and Oliver

At the Family Living Center
Ivy on a lamb at the Family Living Center
Petting the beautiful Horses pulling the wagons
Private family Oxen ride with 1 year old oxen and Brother Droste

Micah on Stilts

On a wagon ride
Justin and Jared -- a pair of wagon ride horses

Waiting for the Nauvoo Pageant to start

Nauvoo Pageant

Sarah and Ivy dancing before the "Sunset by the Mississippi" Show
"Sunset by the Mississippi" Show - Site Missionaries

"Sunset by the Mississippi" Show - Young Performing Missionaries

Carthage Jail Bedroom where Joseph and Hyrum were martyred
Sarah's family in front of Joseph and Hyrum's statues in Carthage
All of us by the Nauvoo Temple (east side of temple)

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