Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Temple Service, Temple Missionaries, and Temple Preparation Class

Our service in the temple is our main focus here.  We are in the temple 5 days a week (6-7 hours each day) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Each day (except Wednesday afternoon when we are the Baptistry Coordinators) we receive new line assignments.  We serve in all areas of the temple.  Our Preparation Day is Tuesday.  

The Nauvoo temple - this is the entrance on the west side, on kind of a cloudy day

We love serving in the temple.  Each day is filled with the rich Spirit of temple work - mostly for the dead but sometimes for the living.  This past week we were both blessed with the assignment of being Guides for two people who were receiving their own endowment.  It was a special experience to help them as they received their their own endowment. 

We have come to know all of the temple missionaries (50 couples) and love each of them.  They all come with different backgrounds, ages (although all of us are over 60 years old) and some have health issues but because of their desire to serve the Lord they have chosen to serve a temple mission and have been called to serve here.  We are including a photo of all of them again (below).  One of the blessings of serving here is having the opportunity of getting to know each of them.  We have many many ways of doing this outside of the temple (e.g., FHE groups, P-Day groups, Break the Fast Dinners, etc.).  We also are getting to know the District ordinance workers and the patrons.  We have come to admire and appreciate their faithfulness. Some of them travel over 3 hours to get to the temple.


We mentioned in an earlier post that we have been teaching Sister Morse, Sister Turner, and Sister Turner's granddaughters - Antoinette and Jasmine Hall.  We taught all of them (except Jasmine) the 6th Temple Preparation Lesson this past Sunday.  Their next step is to go to the temple to receive their own endowment.  They are all excited about going to the temple to do this.  We plan on being at the temple when each of them are there.  This could happen in the next few weeks.

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