Monday, August 26, 2019

Temple Baptistry Team and BYU Pathway Program

Last night we had all of our Temple Baptistry team over to our home for dinner.  We had a wonderful time with them.  We have been serving with them since Memorial Day on Wednesday afternoons.  We have grown to love and appreciate them very much and will miss our weekly association with them on this team.  This week all of the Baptistry teams will be disbanded.  The teams were setup to help us during the busy summer months.  

We will still see all of them on other shifts during the week but will not be with them in the baptistry on Wednesday afternoons.  We will now be the Baptistry Coordinators on Monday mornings (every other week).  Below are some photos of these good people we love so much.

Baptistry Team - Summer 2019 - Wednesday afternoons

Elder and Sister Anderson from Providence, Utah

Elder and Sister Badger - from Snowflake, Arizona 

Elder and Sister Cook - from Pasco, Washington

Elder and Sister Keele - from Castledale, Utah

Elder and Sister Turner - from Provo, Utah

Elder and Sister Owens - from South Jordan, Utah

We attended the Kewanee Branch yesterday.  In Sacrament meeting the talks were about gathering Israel which includes Missionary, Ministering, Family History and Temple work (among other things).  One of the speakers also talked about how we sometimes judge others.  Judging others can hinder our ability to help gather Israel.  We were reminded to try to look at others like Heavenly Father does - looking at their potential and know that they too are spirit children of our Heavenly Father.  

During the second hour a senior Missionary couple gave us information on the BYU-Pathway Program.  This is a wonderful worldwide program that inspires hope, opening new opportunities in higher education to learn by study and faith.  Below is the link to the BYU-Pathway Worldwide program:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice time! What great friendships. I love the grandkid wall display! 😍
