Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Season, New Missionaries

We love the Christmas season where we can focus even more on the Savior.  Many people tend to be kinder, friendlier and generally in a better mood.  This is because of the spirit of Christmas.  Christ can be the center of our lives not only at this time of year but throughout the year.  

Last Sunday we went to Peoria after attending the Kewanee Branch Sunday meetings.  The Peoria stake sponsors an event called the Community Festival of Nativities for four days at the Peoria Stake Center.  Many people from different faiths bring their Nativity sets and they are arranged in the Cultural Hall.  It has been going on for a few years and this year it was even bigger than last year.  While the visitors look at the Nativity sets, there is Christmas music sung (or played) in the Chapel.  The most impressive set was from a woman (not of our faith) who provided here 3,000 piece set that depicted the life of the Savior from the announcement of His brith to His resurrection.  It is a wonderful setting and atmosphere.  Below are some photos we took at this event.

This is the 3,000 piece Nativity set that represented all of the events in the Savior's life.  It was wonderful.

This was the international area -- representing nativity sets from all over the world.
This past Thursday there were 10 new temple missionary couples who arrived to serve in the Nauvoo temple.  They will be here fore 12 months.  We have met all of them and look forward to getting to know them and work with them.  We hosted one of the couples (Brother and Sister Smedley from Lehi, Utah).   Yesterday afternoon we had dinner with them and two other couples.  Eight couples finished their 12 month Nauvoo temple missions yesterday.  We love them and will miss them.  


  1. What a cool event with the nativities. That 3,000 piece nativity is incredible! I bet it's fun being in Nauvoo for the Christmas season.

  2. Yes, it is wonderful being here during the Christmas season - but our favorite place is being home with family.
