Monday, December 23, 2019

Wedding Anniversary, Visit to Carthage, Salt Lake Family Christmas Party and Christmas Program

This past week we was our 45th wedding anniversary (on the 21st).  We decided to go to dinner and a movie on Thursday (the 19th) since we served in the temple on the 21st.  We went to our favorite local restaurant (El Camino Real in Hamilton, Illinois) which has very good Mexican food.  We then went to Quincy, Illinois and saw the movie Frozen II which we enjoyed - very much.  It was wonderful to celebrate our wedding anniversary (on the21st) in the service of the Lord in the Nauvoo temple.  I appreciate Marilyn more and more every day (and every year).  Below is a picture of us in front of the movie house in Quincy.

On Sunday we attended a local Sacrament meeting (the Nauvoo 3rd ward).  The music was beautiful and the Spirit was strong in the meeting.  The message of the Savior's birth and life were the focus of the meeting.  We felt very uplifted and spiritually fed.

In the afternoon one of the new missionary couples (the Teeples from Logan, Utah) invited us to do something with them that day.  We decided to visit the Carthage Jail.  The senior historic site missionary couples were very cordial and informative.  They told us more details about what happened in Carthage in June, 1844 - specifically concerning Joseph and Hyrum Smith.  They told us a few things we had not known.  We were shown two films in the Visitors Center and then spent some time in the Carthage Jail.  Below are a few pictures from our time there.  It was a spiritual experience being in Carthage.  And we very much enjoyed spending time with the Teeples. 

Picture taken through the hole in the door, made by the bullet that killed Hyrum Smith.  One of the senior historic missionaries took this picture.

Last night we were able to watch our family 
(via FaceTime) who live in the Salt Lake area when they had the local family Christmas Party at Sarah and Nathan's home in Riverton.  They played on the chimes (and seemed to really enjoy it, and are getting good at it), and they reenacted the Nativity with costumes, scriptures and sang hymns.  Christina and Kevin (with their children and Sydney's boyfriend, Zach),  Sarah and Nathan (and their children), Gavin brought his siblings (Owen and Ruby) ,and Nick and ShayLa were there.  We enjoyed being part of the fun.

This afternoon we went to our Temple Missionary Christmas Program at our local Stake Center.  The event included a very nice dinner (see the picture below of us with three other couples who serve in the temple - two of the couples live in Nauvoo, the other is another temple missionary couple).  The dinner (and company) were very nice.  After the dinner we participated in a spiritual Christmas program focusing on the Savior's birth.  I read Gabriel's words from the scriptures.  Marilyn and I sang the song "Mary, Did You Know" as a duet.  It was wonderful singing this song with Marilyn.  We are usually in choirs, or mixed groups, not duets. But maybe we will do this more in the future since it went pretty well.


  1. Happy Anniversary! That's fun you went out to eat to see Frozen 2. I remember visiting Carthage Jail when we were younger. That's a neat picture through the bullet hole. I LOVED hearing you both sing that song on the phone. You sounded so wonderful. :)

  2. Thank you Katie. You are so sweet. Yes, it is fun and rewarding singing with your Mother. I think that deep down we have wanted to do this for some time but we just haven't had any opportunity to do it.
