Monday, January 20, 2020

Church Historic Sites in Nauvoo, Very Cold Weather and the Geese

This past week we visited some of the Church's Historic Sites in Nauvoo.  Last Tuesday was a pleasant day, weather-wise, here in Nauvoo, so we decided to visit the sites on this day.  We visited the Stoddard Tin Shop, John Taylor Home, and the Post Office (and the Merryweather store next to it).  We had a splendid time seeing the sites, and learning more about them, including learning about the owners of the sites (Stoddards, John and Leonora Taylor, and the Merryweathers).  The historic site missionaries do such a marvelous job telling us about these sites and these people.  Below are some pictures we took at these sites.


On Friday the weather changed.  It started off raining, then turned to snow, then the snow melted a little, then over the weekend the weather turned very cold.  The temperature reached single digits on Saturday, and on Sunday it got down close to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.  Our Temple Presidency decided to close the temple on Saturday due to the icy road and sidewalk conditions.  Many of our ordinance workers and patrons travel long distances to come to the temple.  Most of the side roads do not get cleared very often when it snows.  So this is a safety concern for everyone.  On Sunday, Church was cancelled in the Nauvoo wards (and many of the other wards/branches around here) so we stayed here in our apartment.  

Below is a picture of the Nauvoo temple I took on Sunday.  Notice the icy road and sidewalk.

Below are two pictures of a lot of geese (there are hundreds and hundreds of them) on the partially frozen Mississippi River:

Today I took a picture of the geese now in a corn field on the flats - next to the Historic sites:

Below are two pictures of the snow on the ground near some Historic sites on Main street.

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