Monday, January 13, 2020

Temple Endowment, Nauvoo Historic Sites, Group Family Home Evening

The Church just released the video "What is the temple endowment?".  Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints go to temples to worship. The Endowment Ceremony teaches about God's plan.  We are frequently assigned to participate on endowment sessions on our shifts.   It is wonderful that the Church has released this video.  Here is the link to this

We haven't said much about this for some time, but we have different assignments every day, going from one area to another every hour or so, unless we are in any leadership role (e.g., trainers or coordinators).  We are getting a new schedule every day. Wherever we are at, it is just wonderful to be in, and serve in this beautiful temple.  The Spirit is always very strong.  There is peace, comfort, love and order in the temple.  It is indeed the House of the Lord.

A few days ago we took the opportunity to visit two of the Church Historic Sites in Nauvoo.  There are 26 sites that the Church maintains in Nauvoo. Here is the link to the Church's website on the Nauvoo Historic Sites:

We have visited most of these sites and have always enjoyed the time we spend at the sites.  We also appreciate the wonderful thoughts and background that the site missionaries give at the historic sites.  This time we visited the Heber C. Kimball Home, the first historic site home purchased and restored in Nauvoo.  We also visited the Wilford Woodruff home, known for its many fireplaces.  Both houses are very interesting and more importantly, the lives of Heber and Vilate Kimball, and also Wilford and Phoebe Woodruff were truly remarkable.  We have an increased respect and admiration for these great people.  Below are some pictures we took at these sites.

We had a Group Family Home (FHE) Evening activity tonight at the Church's Visitors' Center for all of the Temple Missionaries and the Temple Presidency.  We, along with Elder and Sister Handy, were in charge of this activity.  Brother Scott Sumner, a wonderful photographer who lives here in Nauvoo gave a presentation on some of his experiences in taking beautiful, meaningful, and Gospel centric pictures.  His photos focus on the Savior.  He bore his testimony of the Savior.  We have these Group FHE activities at least once a month.  

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