Sunday, April 28, 2019

Temple Work and Branch Assignment

This photo is of Joseph and Hyrum Smith as they were leaving Nauvoo for Carthage.  These statues are directly west of the Nauvoo temple.  Joseph Smith truly loved Nauvoo.  Nauvoo at the time of Joseph and Hyrum was also called the City of Joseph.  We are staying in a house very close to where Joseph Smith lived when he was here and there are many buildings that have been restored to what they were like then.

This has been a wonderful week for us in the temple.  This was the last week the temple was open before it closes for two weeks for semi-annual maintenance.

This past week we served 5 days (Tuesday - Saturday), a mixture of morning and afternoon shifts.  We were able to serve in most of the areas of the temple.

We love the people we are serving with, who are the temple missionaries, temple district ordinance workers, and those (patrons) who come to do temple work.  We said our goodbyes this week to four couples and two senior sister missionaries (most of them are shown in this picture).  They sang a farewell song to the tune of "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" but the lyrics were cleverly written by one of them, to reflect their service here.  One of these departing missionaries said that on the three senior missions he and his wife have served, that he remembers the people he worked with more than the location or the work they were doing.  I can see why he said that.  We have truly grown to love and appreciate these wonderful people we have gotten to know.

At this farewell dinner at the Arrival Center across from the temple, our temple recorder (Brother Marshall) sang several Frank Sinatra songs.   He goes to Senior Living Care Centers and sings for them.   I am sure they really appreciate him for doing this.

In less than two weeks we will be welcoming 64 new temple missionaries.  They will be serving here for the next six months.  The temple will be much busier in the summer so we need more help to cover the six days (Monday - Saturday, including holidays) when the temple will be open.  The temple will be open on Mondays until 1 pm, but the rest of each week it will be open from 8 am - 8 pm.

Today we went to our assigned Branch which is located in Kewanee, Illinois, about two hours from Nauvoo.  They have a beautiful building.  This is a small branch, with 30-40 people who come to Church regularly.  It used to be a much larger branch until many moved away (due to economic conditions) to find work elsewhere.  We will be attending with one other temple missionary couple two out of every three weeks.  The other week we will be attending the Nauvoo 3rd ward.  We look forward to getting to getting to know the people in this branch.  We didn't take any pictures today but will do so next week and share them on this blog.

We know the work that is done in the Temples is the work of the Lord.  What a blessing it is to be able to participate in this great work.  We love each of you and pray for you daily.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Temple Missionary Miracle

There are many miracles (or you can call them tender mercies) occurring in the Nauvoo temple.  Our Temple President said that they occur very frequently.  One I am familiar with occurred on the Saturday afternoon shift, this past Saturday.  I was serving at the temple recommend desk when the following occurred:
    A couple from Nevada came in around 6:20 looking for the brother's  briefcase that contained temple clothes that his wife gave him 46 years ago before they got married.  They had left the briefcase near the statues of Joseph and Hyrum on horses (which are west of the temple).  They were hoping that someone had turned it into the temple.  I called security first.  They said they didn’t have it but suggested that I look in the office and call the laundry area (which the sister temple worker also suggested that I do).  The office didn’t have it so I called the laundry area.  The sister there said that there was a briefcase turned in and offered to bring it up to the desk where we were at.  She said they were just ready to leave for the day so we were very blessed to call them at this time.  When the sisters from the laundry area came with the briefcase, the couple were in tears and thanked all of us profusely.  The Lord truly answered their prayers.  This was a miracle and a tender mercy. 


It's a beautiful Easter Morning in Nauvoo. We found these spring flowers at the Women's Garden at the Nauvoo Visitor Center.

We attended church in Nauvoo today. They had a beautiful musical program by members of the ward. The primary children sang, the ward choir, a young family, a man and his two sons, a flute, oboe and piano trio played, and a sister sang. After the music, the stake president spoke. I think he lives in the Nauvoo 3rd ward.

In the evening we had a dinner and program for the Temple Presidency and all the Temple missionaries. After going home we watched the Tabernacle Choir Easter program.
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday.

I am grateful for our savior, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and atonement. I look forward to the resurrection when I will see Jacob, my Mom and Dad, Annette and many other people I love. I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve in the Nauvoo Temple.
I love Bill and our children and their families. They are a great blessing to me. I feel great joy!

From Elder Owens:  I also want to express my love for the Savior, His life and His Atonement.  Because of His Infinite Atonement we can have peace and joy in this life and in eternity.  We can be together as families.  I look forward to seeing members of my family who have passed on including Jacob, my parents, two of my sisters, and one of my brothers.  The Savior broke the bands of death - both spiritual and physical.  What a wonderful time to think about the Savior in our lives and what He means to each of us.  I love Him for what He has done, is doing for us now and for who He is. 

I love Marilyn, our children and their families.  They mean the world to me.  I am also grateful for our friends who have been such a big support to me and my family over the years.

It is a joy serving in the temple and being here in Nauvoo.  The patrons and temple workers are very kind and cordial.   I love this work in participating in these sacred ordinances that will bring the blessings of the temple to those living and those who have passed on.  What a great time to be alive when we can have so many temples on the earth. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

First Week in Nauvoo

It has now been one week since we arrived in Nauvoo.  We wanted to give a brief update on some of the activities we have been doing the past few days.  We have been either serving in the temple or being trained in the temple by the Temple Presidency.  It has been a very busy week but very rewarding week for us. 
We have learned so much and have grown to love the temple more, and the patrons and the workers in the temple.  The people who live here are also cordial and hospitable.  We miss our family and friends but know that they will be blessed by the Lord.

The pictures that we have chosen are another photo of the Nauvoo temple (taken looking eastward - these are the steps that lead up to the entrance of the temple),  Joseph Smith with Brigham Young looking west (this is at the end of Parley street, right next to the Mississippi River),  and below is a picture of a beautiful sunset over the Mississippi River.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Temple Presidency and New Missionaries

This is our Nauvoo Temple Presidency and the missionaries who came when we did. The front row: Elder & Sister Doan, President& Sister MacKay (2nd Counselor & Assist. Matron) President & Sister Irion ( President & Matron) President & Sister Smith (1st Counselor & Assist. Matron) Brother Marshall (Recorder). Second row: Elder & Sister Smyth, Elder & Sister Handy and Elder & Sister Rasmussen. Third row: Elder & Sister Hammond, Elder & Sister Townsend and Elder & Sister Owens.
The Hammonds and the Townsends are also from South Jordan.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Disappearing pictures

We're experiencing some difficulties with some of our pictures disappearing. Sorry, we're working on it.

First Sunday in Nauvoo

Today we attended church in Nauvoo 3rd ward. It was a wonderful meeting. Their bishop spoke about not judging others. We don't know what is going on in their lives. We don't know how far they have come. We should give people the benefit of our love. The Stake presidency member talked about Living our covenants with joy. He recommend 4 talks:  Joy of Living a Christ-Centered Life(Richard J. Maynes Oct 2015). that Your Joy Might Be Full (Jean Bingham Oct 2017) Joy and Spiritual Survival (Russell Nelson Oct 2016) What Lack I Yet? (Larry Lawrence Oct 2015)

Bishop Christopher Waddell from the presiding bishopric was there because he was speaking at a fireside for the missionaries tonight. He spoke about the parable of the talents. His take from that is that we all have different talents. Some more that others. The Lord expects us to do according to our ability and won't judge us  according to the vast abilities of someone else. He read from Acts 3 where Peter & John told a man, lame from birth, who was asking for alms. "Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."
We can only give what we have.

Bishop Waddell encouraged us to listen to the talks, especially of the 15 apostles and prophets, and heed their counsel. It was a wonderful meeting.

From Elder Owens:  This afternoon we had further training in the temple given by the Temple Presidency and their wives.  What they focused on were some of the principles and guidelines in the temple.  They also asked us to find certain locations and rooms in the temple.  All of this training was very helpful since we will usually be serving in the temple 5 days a week.

We then had a wonderful mexican dinner at our host couple's apartment.  Everyone has been so kind and helpful.  There is a wonderful Spirit here in Nauvoo, and especially in the temple.

At this evening's Fireside Bishop Waddell also focused on what they do as a Presiding Bishopric - which seemed like a lot of things.  He also focused on the Keys of the Priesthood.  He said that with the keys you have the power to act in the name of the Lord.  The Presiding Bishopric report directly to the First Presidency and are responsible for temporal items in the Church.  He also emphasized that without the Spirit you will never succeed.  He ended with "everything is possible because of Jesus Christ".  It was a wonderful meeting.

Our Apartment

This is our apartment building. There are three apartments. We have the whole upstairs. It's a nice place and very comfortable. We have a king sized bed, large fridge, dishwasher, smart TV, and washer/dryer like the ones at home. These apartment buildings are built to look like the restored homes in Nauvoo on the outside, We park out back.

Missionary Farewell - March 24, 2019

On Sunday, March 24th Marilyn and I spoke in our Sacrament meeting (basically, our missionary farewell talks).  Marilyn spoke on the Resurrection and my topic was Honesty and Integrity.

Most of our local family came to the meeting (Christina (her husband Kevin, daughter Sydney, sons Kyle and DJ), our grandson Gavin (Melissa's son), Sarah, Nathan and their children, Katie, Shawn and their children, Nick and ShayLa, ShayLa's parents (Marty and Donna).  Also, my brother Bob and his wife Cathie and one of their granddaughters, Marilyn's sister Darla, her husband Logan and their granddaughters (Dimita, Eva), Marilyn's brother's (Russell) wife Shalee and their daughter Tabatha were all there.  Also attending were some of Marilyn's friends from the temple (Carol Virgin, Sue Harmon).  Bruce and Marsha Haynes also came (they were not released as missionaries until a couple of weeks after this meeting).  James and Susan were able to come to our home after the meeting.

After the Sacrament meeting most of the names mentioned above came over to our house.  Also Jan Robb came by later on in the day.  She knows us and all of our children pretty well.

We really appreciate all the love and support we have received throughout our journey to get on this mission (and now on our mission).  We have a caring family and wonderful friends.  All of their love, support and prayers mean so much to us.

Set apart as Temple Workers

On Friday morning we went to the temple and President Irion set us each apart to be ordinance workers in the Nauvoo temple. Our host couple then showed us around the temple. It is really beautiful. There is an amazing spiral staircase that goes from the basement to the fifth floor. There is a rich dark wood throughout the building. The fixtures reflect the original style of the temple. Right now we are learning our way around.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

We Arrive in Nauvoo

About 2:00 pm on Thursday, April 11th we arrived in Nauvoo. It was very windy and pretty cold. We were very happy to  be here. We met with President and Sister Irion briefly and then, our host couple, the Miles, took us around to show us where we would attend church this Sunday, where to pickup mail, where to park and then to our apartment. They helped us to unload. Our apartment is very nice. We are upstairs so we will get some exercise.

The community that the Miles are from is in Northern California where the major fires were last year. Much of their community was burned but their ranch was saved. They will return home in two weeks. They have been very helpful to us.

From Elder Owens ---  We felt very blessed during our travel to Nauvoo.  Our van was very full and it was windy for most of the trip.  Nauvoo is even more beautiful than I remembered.  The people here are friendly and helpful - especially Elder and Sister Miles.  The temple is beautiful inside and outside.  We received an orientation to the temple yesterday morning, then yesterday afternoon and today we were able to serve as patrons, and then temple workers doing some ordinance work.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Set Apart 

This morning, before conference, we met with our stake presidency to be set apart as missionaries. We were thrilled to have some of our family with us. Christina and DJ, Nicholas and ShayLa, Sarah, Katie and Shawn were there. Bishop Ashdown came as well.
We were set apart and given beautiful blessings by our Stake President (Kurt Soffe).  It was a very
 spiritual experience.