We attended church in Nauvoo today. They had a beautiful musical program by members of the ward. The primary children sang, the ward choir, a young family, a man and his two sons, a flute, oboe and piano trio played, and a sister sang. After the music, the stake president spoke. I think he lives in the Nauvoo 3rd ward.
In the evening we had a dinner and program for the Temple Presidency and all the Temple missionaries. After going home we watched the Tabernacle Choir Easter program.
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday.
I am grateful for our savior, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and atonement. I look forward to the resurrection when I will see Jacob, my Mom and Dad, Annette and many other people I love. I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve in the Nauvoo Temple.
I love Bill and our children and their families. They are a great blessing to me. I feel great joy!
From Elder Owens: I also want to express my love for the Savior, His life and His Atonement. Because of His Infinite Atonement we can have peace and joy in this life and in eternity. We can be together as families. I look forward to seeing members of my family who have passed on including Jacob, my parents, two of my sisters, and one of my brothers. The Savior broke the bands of death - both spiritual and physical. What a wonderful time to think about the Savior in our lives and what He means to each of us. I love Him for what He has done, is doing for us now and for who He is.
I love Marilyn, our children and their families. They mean the world to me. I am also grateful for our friends who have been such a big support to me and my family over the years.
It is a joy serving in the temple and being here in Nauvoo. The patrons and temple workers are very kind and cordial. I love this work in participating in these sacred ordinances that will bring the blessings of the temple to those living and those who have passed on. What a great time to be alive when we can have so many temples on the earth.
Thanks for the wonderful message. We love you and enjoy looking at your updates!