Sunday, April 14, 2019

Missionary Farewell - March 24, 2019

On Sunday, March 24th Marilyn and I spoke in our Sacrament meeting (basically, our missionary farewell talks).  Marilyn spoke on the Resurrection and my topic was Honesty and Integrity.

Most of our local family came to the meeting (Christina (her husband Kevin, daughter Sydney, sons Kyle and DJ), our grandson Gavin (Melissa's son), Sarah, Nathan and their children, Katie, Shawn and their children, Nick and ShayLa, ShayLa's parents (Marty and Donna).  Also, my brother Bob and his wife Cathie and one of their granddaughters, Marilyn's sister Darla, her husband Logan and their granddaughters (Dimita, Eva), Marilyn's brother's (Russell) wife Shalee and their daughter Tabatha were all there.  Also attending were some of Marilyn's friends from the temple (Carol Virgin, Sue Harmon).  Bruce and Marsha Haynes also came (they were not released as missionaries until a couple of weeks after this meeting).  James and Susan were able to come to our home after the meeting.

After the Sacrament meeting most of the names mentioned above came over to our house.  Also Jan Robb came by later on in the day.  She knows us and all of our children pretty well.

We really appreciate all the love and support we have received throughout our journey to get on this mission (and now on our mission).  We have a caring family and wonderful friends.  All of their love, support and prayers mean so much to us.

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