Saturday, April 13, 2019

We Arrive in Nauvoo

About 2:00 pm on Thursday, April 11th we arrived in Nauvoo. It was very windy and pretty cold. We were very happy to  be here. We met with President and Sister Irion briefly and then, our host couple, the Miles, took us around to show us where we would attend church this Sunday, where to pickup mail, where to park and then to our apartment. They helped us to unload. Our apartment is very nice. We are upstairs so we will get some exercise.

The community that the Miles are from is in Northern California where the major fires were last year. Much of their community was burned but their ranch was saved. They will return home in two weeks. They have been very helpful to us.

From Elder Owens ---  We felt very blessed during our travel to Nauvoo.  Our van was very full and it was windy for most of the trip.  Nauvoo is even more beautiful than I remembered.  The people here are friendly and helpful - especially Elder and Sister Miles.  The temple is beautiful inside and outside.  We received an orientation to the temple yesterday morning, then yesterday afternoon and today we were able to serve as patrons, and then temple workers doing some ordinance work.

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