Sunday, April 14, 2019

First Sunday in Nauvoo

Today we attended church in Nauvoo 3rd ward. It was a wonderful meeting. Their bishop spoke about not judging others. We don't know what is going on in their lives. We don't know how far they have come. We should give people the benefit of our love. The Stake presidency member talked about Living our covenants with joy. He recommend 4 talks:  Joy of Living a Christ-Centered Life(Richard J. Maynes Oct 2015). that Your Joy Might Be Full (Jean Bingham Oct 2017) Joy and Spiritual Survival (Russell Nelson Oct 2016) What Lack I Yet? (Larry Lawrence Oct 2015)

Bishop Christopher Waddell from the presiding bishopric was there because he was speaking at a fireside for the missionaries tonight. He spoke about the parable of the talents. His take from that is that we all have different talents. Some more that others. The Lord expects us to do according to our ability and won't judge us  according to the vast abilities of someone else. He read from Acts 3 where Peter & John told a man, lame from birth, who was asking for alms. "Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."
We can only give what we have.

Bishop Waddell encouraged us to listen to the talks, especially of the 15 apostles and prophets, and heed their counsel. It was a wonderful meeting.

From Elder Owens:  This afternoon we had further training in the temple given by the Temple Presidency and their wives.  What they focused on were some of the principles and guidelines in the temple.  They also asked us to find certain locations and rooms in the temple.  All of this training was very helpful since we will usually be serving in the temple 5 days a week.

We then had a wonderful mexican dinner at our host couple's apartment.  Everyone has been so kind and helpful.  There is a wonderful Spirit here in Nauvoo, and especially in the temple.

At this evening's Fireside Bishop Waddell also focused on what they do as a Presiding Bishopric - which seemed like a lot of things.  He also focused on the Keys of the Priesthood.  He said that with the keys you have the power to act in the name of the Lord.  The Presiding Bishopric report directly to the First Presidency and are responsible for temporal items in the Church.  He also emphasized that without the Spirit you will never succeed.  He ended with "everything is possible because of Jesus Christ".  It was a wonderful meeting.

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