Thursday, April 18, 2019

First Week in Nauvoo

It has now been one week since we arrived in Nauvoo.  We wanted to give a brief update on some of the activities we have been doing the past few days.  We have been either serving in the temple or being trained in the temple by the Temple Presidency.  It has been a very busy week but very rewarding week for us. 
We have learned so much and have grown to love the temple more, and the patrons and the workers in the temple.  The people who live here are also cordial and hospitable.  We miss our family and friends but know that they will be blessed by the Lord.

The pictures that we have chosen are another photo of the Nauvoo temple (taken looking eastward - these are the steps that lead up to the entrance of the temple),  Joseph Smith with Brigham Young looking west (this is at the end of Parley street, right next to the Mississippi River),  and below is a picture of a beautiful sunset over the Mississippi River.

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