Thursday, May 30, 2019

Beautiful Morning

Since we came to Nauvoo there has been a lot of
rain; more rain than normal. Almost every newscast
we watch talks about the flooding for most of the
 newscast. This past week
it has been very stormy at night. Loud thunder and
lots of lightning.; pouring heavy rain. Then in the
morning it is blue sky and absolutely beautiful. This is
what I saw on my morning walk today.

The ground is saturated with water. there is pooling in many places
They offer ox cart rides. 

The temple is visible from almost everywhere.

See that vivid blue sky and green green foliage.

If you look closely you'll see sheep grazing by the fence.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so pretty. That's crazy about the rain. It seems like it's been raining everywhere lately.
