Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday Service in Kewanee Branch

We have been assigned to visit the Kewanee Branch in Illinois (in Kewanee, north of Peoria).   We attended this branch last week and today.  The branch has from 25-40 members who come each week.  They have been very friendly and kind.  We know that we will enjoy attending and serving there during our mission.  We only attend the Church block on Sunday and will not have any callings.  However, we might be asked to fill assignments (e.g., give a talk in Sacrament meeting, teach a lesson in Sunday School, Relief Society, Priesthood or Primary). 

Two other Temple Missionary couples have also been assigned to this branch.  Each of the couples will attend this branch two out of every three weeks (rotating between the couples), attending the local Nauvoo 3rd ward during the third week.

We thought it would be interesting to show you some of the things we see along our 113 mile (2+ hour) trip to this Branch.  Below are some photos we took today of water towers (which show the names of the towns), windmills, and some flooding in Dallas City - close to the Mississippi River.  Also shown are some photos of signs entering Kewanne and Nauvoo and a photo of the chapel where we attend Church in Kewanee.

Going from Nauvoo to Kewanee we see these water towers:

Below are some windmills in wind farms:

Below are some of the results of flooding from the Mississippi River in Dallas City.  Some of roads are closed next to the Mississippi River due to flooding.  Our route to Kewanee was altered today because of this flooding.

Below are some signs leading into Kewanee and then Nauvoo.

Below is the chapel where we attend Church in Kewanee.

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