Saturday, May 4, 2019

Land of Lincoln - Day 2 - Lincoln Museum

On our second day in Springfield, we spent about half the day in the Lincoln Museum.  It was fascinating, with interesting figures, facts and videos about Abraham Lincoln's life.

Lincoln as a boy.   He was mostly self-taught with only 1 year of formal education.  He loved to read.
Lincoln in 1860
Lincoln in 1865

Abe and Mary Lincoln
Abe with the boys.  By all accounts, Abe and Mary were permissive and indulgent parents.

Lincoln Elected as President.  There were 4 candidates running for President. 
Lincoln family in front of the White House

The Tide Turns on the Civil War
White House Cabinet - a Team of Rivals.
 Lincoln valued each person's opinion.
His cabinet had strong opinions about the Emancipation Proclamation
The death toll of the Civil War.  This shows the end of a year, by year video of the death toll (and north and south boundaries) during the Civil War.

Ford theater where Lincoln was Assassinated.

This was the News everyone received about Lincoln's Death.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the reenactment displays. That's really neat!
