Saturday, May 11, 2019

Nauvoo Historic Sites

This past week we visited two more of the Nauvoo Historic Sites - the Blacksmith/Wainwright/Ferrier shops and the Cultural Hall.  The Senior Missionaries that serve at these historic sites are very nice and informative.  They serve at a different site each day and they usually serve here for 18 months.  They will also be involved with the "Sunset by the Mississippi" play that will be performed at least 4 evenings a week - starting later on this month.  We look forward to visiting all of the Nauvoo Historic Sites while we are here.  I am sure we will visit some of them more than once.

Senior Sisters in Cultural Hall

Bill speaking at pulpit in Cultural Hall


Wainwright tools

Wagon typical for Nauvoo Pioneer era

Wagon Particulars (what can be carried inside)

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