Friday, May 3, 2019

Land of Lincoln

The Nauvoo temple is closed for 2 weeks so we received permission to leave our temple district and go to Springfield Illinois.

When you drive around Springfield, Lincoln is everywhere. 
On the sides of buildings.
Your dad even had a chat with Abe on the plaza 

Mr. Lincoln with Mary and son on the plaza

We visited the Lincoln Presidential Library first

This painting portrays Lincoln as a young man reading when
he should have been chopping I suppose. He was
largely self educated.

This was painted in 1858  from a live pose prior
 to his senate campaign. 
They had many beautiful portraits
such at this one of Mary Todd Lincoln
An actual photo of Lincoln on his porch with his sons
We toured his restored home in Springfield
Only months before going to Washington Mr. Lincoln bought this beautiful stove for Mary. She wanted to take it with.

Lincoln's bed is 81" long.

This is the room where the family played.
The parlor of Mr & Mrs Lincoln's home in Springfield. The little hutch on the wall below the pictures was theirs.

We toured the Old Capitol building. Lincoln served 4 terms in the state legislature. 
He argued hundreds of cases in the State Supreme Court.

This was our first day in Springfield. We will have another post about our second day.

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